
by Louis Marmet

Table of contents

The shaky foundations of cosmology

by Bjørn Ekeberg - IAI - 2023 March 3

From early scientists being labelled “natural philosophers” to Isaac Newton’s interest in the occult, metaphysics of varying degrees has played a part in our sciences - especially in theoretical physics. However, as science and philosophy both became more specialised, they split apart. Does science need philosophy, and vice versa? Join us in this interview with Bjørn Ekeberg, a renowned philosopher of science and author, as he shares his journey discovering the historical union between science and the metaphysical.

The Big Bang model and an alternative

by Jim Wang - Orion Astronomy Network - 2022 November 1

The main hypothetical feature of the proposed alternative model is that a photon interacts with the CMB photon gas when traveling through space. The redshift is a result of transferring its energy to the CMB photon gas. The CMB photon gas is formed as a lowest energy state in space. Quantitative comparison of the model’s results with observed distance vs. redshift data is presented.

Newton’s Laws, Gravitation and Inertia Some New Ideas

by Amitabha Ghosh - 2021 August 12

This video presents a possible modification of Newton’s law of gravitation and describes its astrophysical and cosmological consequences. Many outstanding problems are resolved, while some new ideas emerge from this simple modification.

Big Bang’s Energy Conservation Problem

by Ray Fleming - 2020 September 16

In this video I discuss the big bang model’s energy conservation. It started as a something from nothing problem. Cosmologists say there is negative gravity causing expansion getting its energy from nothing, the negative gravitational potential from the fictional negative gravity is converted to positive energy to form the universe. Except there is no mechanism for converting gravitational potential into mass-energy.

The Big Bang’s Black Hole Problem

by Ray Fleming - 2020 August 29

In this video I discuss how the big bang model has a black hole problem since as soon as the universe would start to form it would become a black hole and stop expanding. The only way around this problem is if matter is produced mostly in small amounts that do not become instant black holes.

The Real Crisis in Cosmology - The Galactic Origin of Light Elements

by Eric Lerner - 2020 April 20

In episode 2 of the Real Crisis in Cosmology, Eric Lerner shows that the abundance of light elements—helium, deuterium and lithium—can be explained without a Big Bang through the Galactic Origin of Light Elements.

The Real Crisis in Cosmology - The Big Bang Never Happened

by Eric Lerner - 2020 January 21

In the Real Crisis in Cosmology video series, LPPFusion Chief Scientist Eric J. Lerner will explore the scientific evidence that the dominant model of cosmology is invalid. Instead, the basic phenomena of the cosmos can be understood without an origin in time for the universe, and without exotic hypothetical entities like inflation, dark energy and dark matter.

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