Non-Expanding Cosmologies
by Louis Marmet
Particle Evolution Model
by J. de Climont - 2022-1-15
Island Universe Model
by B. Rapanault - 2020-4-13
Hypersphere cosmology
by P. Carroll - 2020-4-1
Quantum Dipole Repeller Gravity and Contracting universe
by L. Vuyk - 2017-3-28
Electric universe
by W. Thornhill - 2012-7-11
Static Infinite Self-Sustainable universe
by E. Lopez Sandoval - 2012-6-25
Einstein–Cartan–Evans Cosmology
by M. Evans - 2010-9-19
Varying speed of light Newtonian-Type cosmology
by Y.-H. Sanejouand - 2009-12-6
Non-Uniform Time cosmology
by E. Poliakov - 2009-11-29
Geometry of Time cosmology
by A. Mayer - 2009-2-24
Thermodynamic universe
by B. Bligh - 2008-9-11
Dynamic Universe Model of cosmology
by S.N.P. Gupta - 2007-9-26
Quantum Celestial mechanics
by H.G. Preston, F. Potter - 2007-1-22
Lobachevsky Space cosmology
by J.G. von Brzeski et al. - 2006-10-11
Finite Graviton Half-Life in a Non-Expanding universe
by R. Driscoll - 2005-1-25
Scale Expanding cosmos
by J. Masreliez - 2004-7-5
Dispersive Extinction in a Static Infinite universe
by L. Jun Wang - 2004-6-8
Mass Boom cosmology
by A. Alfonso-Faus - 2003-2-18
New-Redshift-Interpretation cosmology
by R. Gentry - 1997-9-11
Chronometric cosmology
by I. Segal - 1975-12-19
Australian Aborigine Creation Story
Australian aborigine oral tradition
Iroquois Creation Story
Iroquois oral tradition
Japanese Creation Story
Japanese oral tradition
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