CCC-2 2008 Conference
“Challenges to Consensus Cosmology and the Quest for a New Picture of the Universe”
2008 September 7–11 - Port Angeles, Washington, USA
The ACG, in collaboration with the International Academy for Cosmological Studies (IACS) and with Meta Research (MRI), cordially invites everyone interested in the history and nature of the universe to attend this conference, and invites qualified colleagues to participate in the talks, panels, and discussions.
ACG: (sponsor of the 2004 Open Letter on Cosmology and of the 2005 CCC-I in Portugal)
IACS: (sponsor of 2006 Int’l Workshop on Redshift Mechanisms in Ireland)
MRI: (frontier astronomy research, solar eclipse / meteor storm expeditions, local host for 2008 CCC-2)
VIRA: (Virtual Institute of Rational Astrophysics)
Table of contents
We seek to bring together as wide a range as possible of researchers in Cosmology and related fields with the aim of furthering our understanding of astrophysical phenomena, and the chronology and evolution of the Universe, particularly in the light of ongoing, growing challenges to the current model. We invite presentations and discussion from both sides of the debate that address some challenge to contemporary Cosmology, from those who do and those who do not perceive a current crisis.
Attendees wishing to present a paper are invited to submit to the Conference Committee a title, a short abstract of < 60 words for the program preview, and a full abstract of 200–500 words with citations giving a complete overview of their planned presentation and conclusions (to be distributed to participants about a month before the conference). Participants may present only one invited and one contributed paper, but may be a co-author on other papers. The Conference Committee reserves the option to admit a second contributed paper for presentation by one participant, but would allow this only in unusual circumstances and not as a ploy to get more time for a single presentation.
The deadline for submissions is 2008 June 15. Session organizers and responders will be selected from among early submissions. Late papers will be accepted only as a replacement if someone else’s scheduled paper is cancelled, or if they fill a hole in the program. The Conference Scientific Committee will review the full abstracts and include those that qualify in the final on-line program. Participants are encouraged to familiarize themselves with the full abstracts in advance, especially those in their own session, to improve the quality of the exchanges. Authors will be encouraged to join post-conference multi-author submissions to a major journal. They may also submit a full-paper version of their presentation for publication of the proceedings on a DVD that will be sent to all registrants. The closing date for submissions for the DVD will be 2008 December 12.
Presenting authors may elect oral or poster as their preferred choice. In either case, their full abstracts should provide citations. All presenters are encouraged to prepare self-explanatory, quality graphics and to minimize equations and technical concepts, which should appear only in the technical paper written for publication. Speak as you would to the public rather than to a colleague. In fact, many non-colleagues, including media reps, teachers, and members of the science-interested public, will attend as Observers. Non-technical oral and poster presentations are consistent with successful communication with participants in other areas of specialization, as well as Observers. Use of a presentation graphics program is encouraged. Avoid reading bullet points or text from the screen, and use those as one would use an outline.
Please use the abstract submission form to provide title, authors & affiliations, short abstract, and full abstract.
Another category of participation is “Observer”. These will be primarily media representatives, local teachers, and some members of the science-interested public. They will not be participating in the formal discussions. Observers will watch proceedings from the Observer area, and may mingle with participants during breaks, where they might have the opportunity to engage the scientists in one-on-one conversations. They are also welcome to join the side trips, and to stay at the conference hotel at CCC2 rates. They should register for the conference as Observers. See the last section at the “Registration Info” link for more details.
Please forward this information to your colleagues or other interested persons.
Scientific Program
The conference will be opened Sunday evening, 2008 September 7 with introductions and goals. Our keynote speaker, Halton Arp, is unable to travel, but will present Tuesday morning via live video conference.
Monday through Thursday, CCC2 will continue the theme successfully established at CCC1 in 2005. (A limited number of Proceedings are still available for purchase at The conference will consider the present state of understanding of the universe in light of the increasing number of observations that challenge the conventional cosmological model, the Big Bang.
The conference seeks to
- Assess key observational challenges and problems confronting the existing “consensus cosmology” to ensure the scientific community is aware of them and can contribute to their solution.
- Assess the state of alternative cosmologies in general and innovative theories for various particular phenomena, including the Hubble relation, cause of redshift, light element abundances, microwave radiation, large-scale structure, “missing matter”, and “dark energy”.
- Promote more dialogue between Big Bang advocates and alternative cosmology advocates so that the best cosmology for representing nature emerges.
As papers are contributed, conference sessions will be organized into panels, one per session. Each member of the first set of panels will focus on specific observational challenges to or problems with the consensus cosmology. Examples are the lack of Gaussianity or isotropy in the microwave radiation, the excessive apparent ages of high-z galaxies, the early formation of large-scale structure, discordant results for light element abundances, the surface-brightness/redshift relation, etc. Each member of the second set of panels will focus on a particular alternative cosmology, or on alternative explanations for the key phenomena of the universe, such as the origin of redshift, the microwave radiation, large-scale structure, gravitational forces, light element abundances, quasars, dark matter, and dark energy. Each session’s panel will present its papers; an informed responder will review them; and general discussion among the conference participants will ensue. This structure will encourage the preparation of multi-author review papers for publication, based on each of the panels. Prospective participants are encouraged to plan their contribution early to assist in organizing the program optimally.
A conference banquet will be held on Wednesday evening, 2008 September 10. This will feature an invited speaker or entertainment program.
Conference papers published in “2nd Crisis in Cosmology Conference, CCC-2”, Vol. 413, Astronomical Society of the Pacific Conference Series, Editor Frank Potter
CCC2 Short Program
(revised Sept. 2)
Sunday Sept. 7
08:30-12:00 morning excursions
12:30-17:00 afternoon excursions
19:30-20:30 welcome and introductions
Monday Sept. 8
08:30 Opening remarks
Panel 1: Reality of cosmic expansion (chaired by Potter)
08:45 Ashmore: Hydrogen cloud separation as direct evidence of the dynamics of the Universe
09:20 Jensen: Supernova 2006gy and Copernicus principle: Modern cosmology meets Goliath
09:55 Van Flandern: The two pillars of the Big Bang fall
10:30 Break
10:50 Lieu: LCDM cosmology: its bright and dark sides
11:25 Lerner: Tolman surface brightness test from z=0.03 to z=5.7
12:00 Hawkins: Search for time dilation in quasar light curves
12:35 Response and discussion
13:05 Lunch
Panel 2: Origin of microwave radiation (chaired by Lieu)
14:35 Bligh: Microwave radiation does NOT prove that hot Big Bang theory is correct.
15:10 Haynes: Re-evaluation of the cosmic microwave background (CMB)
15:45 Break
16:15 Ashmore (poster): Photon-electron recoil leading to the Hubble constant and CMB
16:30 Response and discussion
poster papers
17:00 Dickau (Panel 4): Does Mandelbrot set offer clues to cosmological evolution of form?
17:15 Brynjolfsson (Panel 6): Nucleosynthesis in plasma-redshift cosmology
17:30 Close session
Tuesday Sept. 9
Panel 3: Quasi-stellar objects (chaired by Ratcliffe)
08:30 Fulton: Physical association and periodicity in quasar families
09:05 Arp (live videocon): Nature of extragalactic redshifts from quasar-into-galaxy evolution
09:55 Gallo: Quasar additional intrinsic redshift mechanism ?
10:30 Break
10:50 Response and discussion
Panel 4: Large scale structure (chaired by Gallo)
11:20 Hartnett: Fourier analysis of the large scale spatial distribution of galaxies in the universe
11:55 Schmitz: Evidence survey for top-down vs. bottom-up evolution on various scales
12:30 Ratcliffe: A review of anomalous redshift data
13:05 Lunch
14:35 Response and discussion
Panel 5: Methods for selecting alternative cosmologies chaired by Fulton
15:05 Eastman: The observational-inductive framework and implications for cosmology
15:40 Dilworth: Cosmological physics ground rules & how to evaluate cosmologies
16:15 Break
16:45 Van Flandern: Deduction vs. induction for selecting a cosmology
17:20 Response and discussion
17:50 Close session
Wednesday Sept. 10
Panel 6: General alternative cosmologies (chaired by Eastman)
08:30 von Brzeski: Lobachevsky space as model for large scale electromagnetic phenomena
09:05 Singh: Cosmic conundrum solution for cosmological constant, dark matter & dark energy
09:40 Wilson: Eternal contracting universe
10:15 Break
11:05 Vishwakarma: Quasi-steady state cosmology
11:40 Brynjolfsson: Plasma-redshift cosmology: A review
12:15 Press Conference
13:00 Lunch
14:30 Jensen: Finding order in the chaos: looking for a new foothold in our own solar system
15:05 Ghosh: Cosmological redshift in a quasi-static universe
15:40 Mayer: On the geometry of time in physics and cosmology
16:15 Break
16:45 Poliakov: Time is a key to cosmology
17:20 Response and discussion
17:50 Close session
19:30 Banquet
Thursday Sept. 11
Panel 7: Hubble relationship alternatives (chaired by Lerner)
08:30 Roscoe: The conflict between realism and the scalar potential in electrodynamics
09:05 Moret-Bailly: Failure of Hubble’s law in supernova SNR1987A
09:40 Masrieliez: The scale expanding cosmos theory
10:15 Break
10:35 Assis: Hubble’s cosmology: From finite expanding universe to static endless universe
11:10 Marmet: The dipole force as a redshift mechanism
11:45 Response and discussion
12:15 Lunch
Panel 8: Dark matter and dark energy alternatives (chaired by Van Flandern)
13:45 Mannheim: Cosmological constant problem presages paradigm shift in gravity theory?
14:20 Gallo: Ordinary dark matter versus mysterious dark matter in galactic rotation
14:55 Vishwakarma: Does Dark Energy Signal a Wrong Physics?
15:30 Break
16:00 Booth: Machian general relativity: possible solution to the dark energy problem?
16:35 Response and discussion
17:05 General discussion & conclusions
17:35 Close conference
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